When Considering Tally ERP Mobile Access, Add Augmented Analytics to Complete the Picture!

No matter the task or job, every team member needs the right tools to be successful. Accountants, finance professionals, purchasing managers, inventory professionals and other team members responsible for expenses and revenue need the right tools to do their jobs and, in this day of remote work and dispersed teams, that need is greater than ever. The answer to that need is, of course, founded on technology.
‘Providing mobile access to Tally ERP allows users to leverage a familiar software solution to perform tasks and combines that access with new, value-added tools for augmented analytics.’
Tech research and analysis firm, Gartner predicts that, ‘Through 2024, 50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives,’ and that prediction applies to all types of industries and vertical business sectors, including finance and accounting.
For Tally® ERP users, the need to access enterprise tools via mobile device is crucial. But, perhaps even more crucial is the need to improve data quality solutions by adding integrated augmented analytics that are accessible to users from anywhere. When a team member is performing a task, checking or monitoring progress or trying to solve a problem, it is useful to have analytical tools that can provide insight into the reasons for success or the reasons for poor results.
Adding integrated mobile analytics to the Tally ERP solution provides numerous benefits. When your business is ready to adopt these all-important tools, be sure to look for a solution that will provide the following features and capabilities:

- Users can access all companies in a Tally ‘instance’ to see data for a specific company or for multiple companies.
- Includes out-of-the-box numerous dashboards, KPIs and report formats for all users.
- Users can track trends and perform analytics.
- Mobile users can view recent transactions.
- All mobile Tally users can share reports in PDF, XLS and via WhatsApp, Email and other options.
- Accessible data includes products, inventory, ledgers, vouchers, etc.
- Provides the ability to perform a full company extract
- Offers near real-time access to Tally data and rapid application loading for smooth, seamless use.
- Provides seamless search options and text searches throughout the mobile app.
- Offers cost-effective, simple registration and user access.
- Integrates with enterprise applications including ERP, CRM, Excel and Google analytics data as well as other data sources.
- Is accessible as a ready-to-use software as a service (SaaS) app with no on-premises installation, development or training required.
- Provides proven, dependable support for users.
- Offers augmented analytics components including self-serve data prep, smart data visualization and assisted predictive modeling.
As with any software or technology acquisition, the key to success is meeting business and user expectations and providing tools that are easy-to-use and cost-effective. Providing mobile access to Tally ERP allows users to leverage a familiar software solution to perform tasks and combines that access with new, value-added tools for augmented analytics in an environment that is easy for every user and accessible on any mobile device.
‘Adding integrated mobile analytics to the Tally ERP solution provides numerous benefits. When your business is ready to adopt these all-important tools, be sure to look for a solution that will provide adequate features and capabilities.’
For more access options and information on desktop and web versions of SmartenApps and the available reports, see our article, entitled, ‘The Value Of Tally ERP Web-Based Accounting Analytics.’ Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally will support analytical initiatives and provide benefits to your users and your enterprise. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify and to provide insight to clients, colleagues, management and team members.