Improve Financial Accuracy with Tally ERP Analytics!

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Improve Financial Accuracy with Tally ERP Analytics!

What Insights Can My Business Gain from Integrated Tally Mobile Analytics?

Improve Financial Accuracy with Tally ERP Analytics

Tally® ERP is a popular finance and accounting solution used by many team members in many businesses. It provides modules to support inventory management, purchasing, sales professionals, accountants, finance managers and other expense and revenue related functions responsible for taxes, statutory reporting etc.

The McKinsey consulting firm reports that organizations with fast and efficient decision-making processes are twice as likely to report financial returns of at least 20% as a result of recent decisions.

‘Taking your Tally ERP solution beyond data entry and standard reporting allows your finance and accounting professionals to gain insight and achieve results.’

When a business wishes to support its team members and provide more value and more effective financial decision-making, it should consider adding integrated analytics to its Tally environment. Augmented Analytics, designed specifically to support business users with no data science skills, provides an opportunity for businesses and business professionals to mitigate risk and to improve revenue and results.

In this article, we discuss a few of the ways in which integrated augmented analytics can work within the Tally ERP environment to provide valuable insight and support innovation, problem solving and business agility.

How Can My Business Use Tally ERP and Analytics to Improve Results?


By adding integrated augmented analytics and pre-built reports to support professionals in their efforts, the business can gain insight into sales in a way that is not possible with standard reporting. Businesses can establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to drive results, and identify trends for a particular sales region, individual, product line, customer segment or regional or channel-specific marketing initiative.

Payable and Receivables

Augmented Analytics can provide insight into payables and receivables, segmented by creditors and debtors, by product or product line revenue, by service offering, etc. Businesses can track wholesale and partner collections and spot trends in overdue invoices. Where the business has established a threshold for payable and receivable completion, managers can stay abreast of issues and identify the root cause of problems that will affect their metrics.

Cost Centers

The cost center dashboard is a key report that displays balances and progress by cost center groups and accounts and by ledger relevance and association. The ledger provides classic and detailed views of entries and balances and allows for drill down to the individual voucher level to examine and analyze entries. Meeting budgetary goals and objectives and monitoring and managing cost centers allows finance managers to identify and understand where and how a particular cost center is exceeding or falling short of expectations and address those issues to stay on track.

‘When a business wishes to support its team members and provide more value and more effective financial decision-making, it should consider adding integrated analytics to its Tally environment.’

These are just a few examples of how businesses can gain insight and provide actionable reporting to improve results. Taking your Tally ERP solution beyond data entry and standard reporting allows your finance and accounting professionals to :

  • Perform financial statement analysis and understand the current financial position of the business.
  • Review income statements and compare results to expected performance to inform annual reporting and stay on track
  • Provide forecasts to estimate the financial impact of proposed initiatives and projects and ensure positive return on investment (ROI)
  • Monitor budgets, resources and deliverables and report on performance
  • Dive into cash flow and profit margins to determine the root cause of shortfalls or identify opportunities for growth

Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally will support your accounting-related analytical initiative and bring your team and your business to the next level. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify.

What Insights Can My Business Gain from Integrated Tally Mobile Analytics?

Three Benefits of Integrating Analytics with Tally ERP!

Blog Tally

Three Benefits of Integrating Analytics with Tally ERP!

3 Benefits of Tally Mobile Analytics for Accounting and Finance Professionals

There are many finance-related roles within a business. Whether you are an accountant or a finance manager or controller, or you manage inventory, purchasing, sales or other critical areas of the business, it is likely that you are responsible for a budget and for mitigating expenses and improving revenue. Tally® ERP users understand the software solution and use it daily to enter data and to produce standard reports.

‘With augmented analytics, and the ability to spot and understand trends, results and issues, your team members can take their knowledge of the domain, industry and role and add to it with clear data.’

But what if you, as a business professional could improve results, improve visibility for your own role and add more value simply by adopting and adding integrated augmented analytics to your Tally® ERP environment?

A recent survey revealed that more than 60% of accounting and finance professionals and firms predict that analytics will play a key role in their responsibilities. Adding this capability to your day-to-day process can help your business, your team and your career prospects!

In this article, we discuss three benefits of Tally® Mobile Analytics and how these benefits can support accounting and finance professionals in their daily endeavors.

3 Benefits of Tally Mobile Analytics for Accounting and Finance Professionals

Three Ways Accounting and Finance Professionals Can Benefit from Integrating Augmented Analytics with Tally® ERP

Value-Added, Integrated Reporting

Tally® ERP includes standard reporting targeted to each of its modules and related disciplines. Leveraging business intelligence and BI tools and augmented analytics capabilities, the expanded reporting available within the integrated augmented analytics environment provides pre-built reports and flexibility to dig deeper into results and understand trends, patterns and details. Reports include Payables and Receivables, Cost Center, Inventory, Sales and Purchasing, Bank and Cash Reports, Tax Reporting, Ledgers, Account Statements and Overview Reports.

Metrics and Fact-Based Decision-Making

Every team member in a business is expected to perform at a higher level today. Organizations want specificity, clarity and decisions and suggestions made from a basis of fact, not opinion or guessing. Accountants, finance and business analysts, inventory managers, purchasing managers and other finance-related roles are not exempt from this expectation. Anywhere the business takes in or spends money is going to affect the bottom line. With integrated analytics, Tally® ERP users can dig in and look for problems, find the root cause, find and advance opportunities for considerations, etc. Sales and purchasing reports allow team members to explore data on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis and review key performance indicators (KPIs) by customer or sales register. Payables and receivables analysis includes analysis by creditor and debtor, by product, service or even components, so team members can spot trends and analyze overdue collections, etc. Inventory analytics provides details on shortages, overages, key data for stock management, supplier issues, shipping and distribution. KPIs and analytics can cross modules and identify factors affecting the business in other business units.

Increased Productivity and Contribution

Accounting and finance positions are often seen as ‘bean counters’ or, at best, responsible for statutory reporting but not to be consulted on matters of strategy or operational efficiency, etc. With augmented analytics, and the ability to spot and understand trends, results and issues, your team members can take their knowledge of the domain, industry and role and add to it with clear data that will point them to effective suggestions and recommendations and help them to see and interpret the business, adding value to senior management and to their respective teams. This proactive approach will improve business results and allow team members to operate with more agility and effectiveness.

‘What if you, as a business professional could improve results, improve visibility for your own role and add more value simply by adopting and adding integrated augmented analytics to your Tally® ERP environment?’

Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally® will support your accounting-related analytical initiative and bring your team and your business to the next level. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally® and use Tally® data to analyze, explore and clarify.

3 Benefits of Tally Mobile Analytics for Accounting and Finance Professionals

Mobile Augmented Analytics & Tally ERP: A Winning Combination!

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Mobile Augmented Analytics & Tally ERP: A Winning Combination!

When Considering Tally ERP Mobile Access, Add Augmented Analytics to Complete the Picture!

Mobile Augmented Analytics & Tally ERP: A Winning Combination

No matter the task or job, every team member needs the right tools to be successful. Accountants, finance professionals, purchasing managers, inventory professionals and other team members responsible for expenses and revenue need the right tools to do their jobs and, in this day of remote work and dispersed teams, that need is greater than ever. The answer to that need is, of course, founded on technology.

‘Providing mobile access to Tally ERP allows users to leverage a familiar software solution to perform tasks and combines that access with new, value-added tools for augmented analytics.’

Tech research and analysis firm, Gartner predicts that, ‘Through 2024, 50% of organizations will adopt modern data quality solutions to better support their digital business initiatives,’ and that prediction applies to all types of industries and vertical business sectors, including finance and accounting.

For Tally® ERP users, the need to access enterprise tools via mobile device is crucial. But, perhaps even more crucial is the need to improve data quality solutions by adding integrated augmented analytics that are accessible to users from anywhere. When a team member is performing a task, checking or monitoring progress or trying to solve a problem, it is useful to have analytical tools that can provide insight into the reasons for success or the reasons for poor results.

Adding integrated mobile analytics to the Tally ERP solution provides numerous benefits. When your business is ready to adopt these all-important tools, be sure to look for a solution that will provide the following features and capabilities:

Add Mobile Augmented Analytics to Tally ERP and Win the Day
      • Users can access all companies in a Tally ‘instance’ to see data for a specific company or for multiple companies.
      • Includes out-of-the-box numerous dashboards, KPIs and report formats for all users.
      • Users can track trends and perform analytics.
      • Mobile users can view recent transactions.
      • All mobile Tally users can share reports in PDF, XLS and via WhatsApp, Email and other options.
      • Accessible data includes products, inventory, ledgers, vouchers, etc.
      • Provides the ability to perform a full company extract
      • Offers near real-time access to Tally data and rapid application loading for smooth, seamless use.
      • Provides seamless search options and text searches throughout the mobile app.
      • Offers cost-effective, simple registration and user access.
      • Integrates with enterprise applications including ERP, CRM, Excel and Google analytics data as well as other data sources.
      • Is accessible as a ready-to-use software as a service (SaaS) app with no on-premises installation, development or training required.
      • Provides proven, dependable support for users.
      • Offers augmented analytics components including self-serve data prep, smart data visualization and assisted predictive modeling.

As with any software or technology acquisition, the key to success is meeting business and user expectations and providing tools that are easy-to-use and cost-effective. Providing mobile access to Tally ERP allows users to leverage a familiar software solution to perform tasks and combines that access with new, value-added tools for augmented analytics in an environment that is easy for every user and accessible on any mobile device.

‘Adding integrated mobile analytics to the Tally ERP solution provides numerous benefits. When your business is ready to adopt these all-important tools, be sure to look for a solution that will provide adequate features and capabilities.’

For more access options and information on desktop and web versions of SmartenApps and the available reports, see our article, entitled, ‘The Value Of Tally ERP Web-Based Accounting Analytics.’ Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally will support analytical initiatives and provide benefits to your users and your enterprise. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify and to provide insight to clients, colleagues, management and team members.

Accounting and Finance Pros Can Use Tally ERP Analytics!

Blog Tally

Accounting and Finance Pros Can Use Tally ERP Analytics!

Leverage Integrated Analytics Reporting in Tally ERP!

Accounting and Finance Pros Can Use Tally ERP Analytics

The Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) states that, ‘Accounting analytics can help an organization answer financial questions by looking at all the data gathered by a company (e.g., transactional data, financial data, investment analysis, etc.) and analyzing this information to gain significant insights, predict future outcomes, or even ascertain risk.’

‘There is no doubt that the amount of information contained in accounting and finance systems can be daunting but analysis of this data in an easy-to-use reporting environment can reap numerous rewards without reducing productivity or frustrating users.’

For accounting firms serving a client base or accountants within a business who are tasked with managing expenses, there is no doubt that a basic accounting system is mandatory. But, in today’s competitive environment, the do-more-with-less approach is rampant and accountants, finance professionals, inventory managers, purchasing managers and other finance-related professionals find it increasingly difficult to manage the data and monitor it in a way that provides value to clients and colleagues.

New roles include a value-based approach where the team is expected to provide insight, reduce expenses, spot trends, make recommendations and do it all in a fact-based environment where missteps will be mitigated and competitive advantage is key.

For users of the Tally® ERP Solution, the availability of integrated augmented analytics and reporting provides true benefits. The integration of analytics across all modules allows team members to analyze and report on data to solve problems, identify opportunities and make recommendations that will advance the interests of the business using a desktop or a mobile app approach.

Tally ERP Integrated Analytics Provides a Competitive Advantage

Available Reports Include:


Overview of key business parameters, e.g., Sales, Purchase, Payable & Receivable, Income & Expense, Cash & Bank and Duties and Taxes, and monthly trends. Also includes Top and Bottom Analysis, Contribution Analysis, and KPI analysis of these key indicators.


Explore sales to date, and monthly, quarterly and yearly KPI and trends. Analyze monthly sales, top customers and detailed sales register.


Reveal trends and patterns in banking and cash results over a period of time. Users can compare results from previous time periods.


Breakdown payables and receivables by creditors and debtors as well as by products, services and components. Look for trends for overdue collections.


Analyze inventory for shortages and overages. Explore overstock, understock, suppliers, products and shipping and distribution.


Examine previous taxes, tax due summary, estimate tax obligations, analyze taxes for future periods.


Analyze cost center balances and movements by cost center groups, cost center accounts as well as their association with ledgers.


Analyze ledger entries and balances in details with drill-down to individual voucher level.


Pre-built drill-down views to balances at higher level groups, and drill down in hierarchy to ledger and transaction level.


Ideal for accountants for statutory submission purposes, and to review balance sheet statement, trial balances, profit and loss statements and more.


Various interactive reports with drill-down to slice and dice data by vendor, product, service, cost, sales person, location, customer, inventory, purchasing, costs, etc.

When these reports and tools are combined with the skill and knowledge of an accounting or a finance professional, the results can be profound. There is no doubt that the amount of information contained in accounting and finance systems can be daunting but analysis of this data in an easy-to-use reporting environment can reap numerous rewards without reducing productivity or frustrating users.

‘The integration of analytics across all modules allows team members to analyze and report on data to solve problems, identify opportunities and make recommendations.’

Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally will support analytical initiatives and provide benefits to your users and your enterprise. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify and to provide insight to clients, colleagues, management and team members.

Take Tally ERP to the Next Level with Augmented Analytics!

Blog Tally

Take Tally ERP to the Next Level with Augmented Analytics!

4 Ways in Which Integrated Augmented Analytics Builds on Tally ERP Success!

Take Tally ERP to the Next Level with Augmented Analytics

If your business is using Tally® ERP, your users are already familiar with the benefits and features of the solution. Tally includes business management functionality for banking, payroll management, purchasing, sales, accounting, taxes, manufacturing and inventory and allows team members and professionals to enter and manage data and to provide reports to colleagues and clients.

‘With easy-to-use features designed for business users, integrating augmented analytics with Tally ERP allows team members to do their jobs and to add value without significant investment of time and effort to learn the solution.’

In today’s competitive environment, every business is looking for ways to optimize resources and to provide proven processes and metrics that manage and monitor results and help the organization make decisions at every level. To that end, more than 65% of global enterprises increased spending on analytics within the past two years and that trend shows no signs of slowing. Analytics ensures fact-based decision-making and speeds the process of problem solving, making the enterprise more agile.

This approach can be used to improve the value of the Tally ERP installation within the organization and leverage the return on investment (ROI). In this article we discuss four (4) ways in which integrated Augmented Analytics can take your Tally users and results to the next level.

Four Benefits to Integrating Augmented Analytics with Tally ERP

Comprehensive View of Your Data

Many business users adopt and leverage a module or a set of features that they find the most useful for their common tasks. But if your team members are not seeing the big picture or if they are not able to dive into data across modules to understand the ‘why’ of results or to gain insight into what is working and what should change, they cannot combine their domain or professional knowledge with the data contained within the Tally ERP solution to make better recommendations and suggestions and to monitor and adapt. With features like visualization, dynamic charts and graphs, modern business intelligence (BI) and key performance indicators (KPIs), users can achieve a clear picture and go beyond data entry and simple reporting to analyze and gain insight into what is really going on in the business.

Ease-of-Use for Business Users

While organizations may be well aware of the benefits of analytics and may wish to democratize data and improve data literacy, it can often be challenging to get users to adopt analytics because there is a perception that the user must have analytical skills, or must learn and use difficult software or algorithms. With easy-to-use features designed for business users, the augmented analytics approach allows team members to do their jobs and to add value without significant investment of time and effort to learn the solution.

Mobile, Secured Access

Whether your business is transitioning to a remote work environment or your team members are on the road visiting clients or working in other office locations, secured mobile access to the Tally ERP data and the integrated augmented analytics environment is crucial to productivity and collaboration. With near real-time access to key indicators, trend tracking and analysis, recent transactions, ledgers, vouchers, products, inventory and reporting, in a seamless search environment, business users can complete tasks, monitor and report on progress and stay in touch with what is happening.

Pre-Built, Flexible Reports

Taking the existing Tally ERP reporting environment beyond its capabilities to add pre-built analytical reports can help team members see and understand data in a flexible reporting environment with dashboards, overview reports, sales and purchasing reports, bank and cash, payables and receivables, inventory, taxes, cost center, ledger, drill down, account statements and other reports to simplify and clarify decisions.

‘In today’s competitive environment, every business is looking for ways to optimize resources and to provide proven processes and metrics that manage and monitor results and help the organization make decisions at every level.’

Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally will support your accounting-related analytical initiative and bring your team and your business to the next level. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify.

The Value of Tally ERP Web-Based Accounting Analytics!

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The Value of Tally ERP Web-Based Accounting Analytics!

Web Access to Accounting Analytics Reporting is Crucial to Business Success!

The Value of Tally ERP Web-Based Accounting Analytics

The Accounting Research Center and Continuous Auditing & Reporting Lab at Rutgers University stated that, “The audit profession is leveraging technology and electronic information to expand the auditor’s ability to access and analyze vast amounts of information.”

The recognition of this new reality and its importance is crucial to building a foundation of a fact-based, analytical approach to accounting, auditing, and other finance-related functions in businesses all around the world. In the past, the accounting function was often seen as a ‘bean counter’ function, producing simple, columnar reports and tracking expenses and revenue.

‘A rich array of built-in, web-based reporting access and, for every accounting and these reports can be used as a foundation for the new analytical environment and to encourage the use of that analysis to make decisions and recommendations.’

Today, access to data analytics is crucial to enterprise success and, if accounting and auditing professionals have that access in a simple, easy-to-use interface, it is more likely they will adopt and use these new tools.

Users of the Tally® ERP Solution now have the ability to access and analyze data via web browser, and can leverage these integrated analytical tools in a simple environment with built-in reports that are easy to produce and easy to understand. This type of business user analytics can take the accounting function to another level by adding value and insight that can be used to advise clients and colleagues and by spotting trends, identifying and solving problems and capitalizing on opportunities.

In this article, we highlight the types and purpose of these analytical reports for reference and the value of these web-based reporting tools.

Stay Abreast of the Trends with Accounting Analytics


Overview of key business parameters, e.g., Sales, Purchase, Payable & Receivable, Income & Expense, Cash & Bank and Duties and Taxes, and monthly trends. Also includes Top and Bottom Analysis, Contribution Analysis, and KPI analysis of these key indicators.


Explore sales to date, and monthly, quarterly and yearly KPI and trends. Analyze monthly sales, top customers and detailed sales register.


Reveal trends and patterns in banking and cash results over a period of time. Users can compare results from previous time periods.


Breakdown payables and receivables by creditors and debtors as well as by products, services and components. Look for trends for overdue collections.


Analyze inventory for shortages and overages. Explore overstock, understock, suppliers, products and shipping and distribution.


Examine previous taxes, tax due summary, estimate tax obligations, analyze taxes for future periods.


Analyze cost center balances and movements by cost center groups, cost center accounts as well as their association with ledgers.


Analyze ledger entries and balances in details with drill-down to individual voucher level.


Pre-built drill-down views to balances at higher level groups, and drill down in hierarchy to ledger and transaction level.


Ideal for accountants for statutory submission purposes, and to review balance sheet statement, trial balances, profit and loss statements and more.


Various interactive reports with drill-down to slice and dice data by vendor, product, service, cost, sales person, location, customer, inventory, purchasing, costs, etc.

As you can see, there is a rich array of built-in, web-based reporting access and, for every accounting and these reports can be used as a foundation for the new analytical environment and to encourage the use of that analysis to make decisions and recommendations.

‘Users of the Tally® ERP Solution now have the ability to access and analyze data via web browser, and can leverage these integrated analytical tools in a simple environment with built-in reports.’

Find out how the addition of SmartenApps For Tally will support your accounting-related analytical initiative and bring your team and your business to the next level. Users can Download And Register for SmartenApps for Tally and use Tally data to analyze, explore and clarify.

Use Analytics To Drive Shopify Store Results!

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Use Analytics To Drive Shopify Store Results!

Get the REAL Information from Your Shopify Solution: Analytics is Easy!

In a time when eCommerce is exploding, a small business owner with an online store might think that all they have to do is post products or services and wait for the money to roll in but nothing could be further from the truth. There are thousands of businesses struggling to pay their bills and wondering why their beautiful online stores are not producing results.

Even if you are getting a decent flow of traffic on your site, you may not be closing the sale, or you might be missing sales to those who would bundle and buy products if they were marketed appropriately. The truth is that you can’t just wait for customers. You need good, solid information in order to plan and execute, adapt to changing customer needs and understand your customer groups and targets.

If you have a Shopify online store, you can integrate analytics in a single sign-on environment without having to learn a new analytical solution. You can use the information from your Shopify system to understand customer cohorts and groups, lifetime value of customers, sales trends and other crucial information and you can use that data to identify opportunities for cross-selling and up selling and to solve problems and close gaps in your sales closing process.

Talk to your Shopify consultants and find out how easy it is to implement this analytical capability using a solution that Integrates Shopify With Augmented Analytics and Contact Us to today to find out how this approach can help you achieve your goals.

You Can Easily Analyze Shopify ECommerce Results!

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You Can Easily Analyze Shopify ECommerce Results!

Your Shopify eCommerce Users Need Great, Easy, Integrated Analytics

If yours is a small business and you have chosen to do business solely online or to supplement your business with online sales, you probably spent a lot of time considering and choosing the right eCommerce solution for your business. Shopify is a popular eCommerce platform that is chosen by many small businesses and it continues to expand its features and functionality to serve its user base.

Whether you engaged Shopify experts or an individual Shopify developer to deign and develop your eCommerce Solution, you probably needed Shopify Integration with payment gateways, tax systems and other important application integration. But, one of the most frequently ignored app integration consideration is analytics. While Shopify does include reporting and tracking functionality, eCommerce businesses and users need analytics more than ever.

Today, online competition is steep and the global uptick in the use of online shopping is rapid and steep. It is important to understand your customers and not just wait for them to click and order a product or service. Issues like buying behavior, product bundling, customer loyalty and customer attrition are key. Your business spends more money to attract and obtain new customers than it will spend to retain customers but does your team understand how to retain those customers?

Many small businesses are run by a small team of people and those people don’t necessarily have the technical skills to be a Data Scientist or to engage in analytics so finding an easy to use, integrated analytical platform that will work with the familiar Shopify features is key to user adoption and to getting the results you need to make confident decisions.

Look for an easy, intuitive analytical platform with a tool for Data Visualization, Predictive Modeling and really simple search analytics. Ideally, you want a solution that offers pre-built templates and reports so users can quickly achieve results and move on with the information they need to make that decision or to change or adapt to increase revenue and customer satisfaction.

Contact Us to today to find out how achieve simple, Intuitive Analytics for your Shopify eCommerce solution.

Mobile App for Tally – All Access All the Time!

Blog Tally

Mobile App for Tally – All Access All the Time!

Tally Mobile App Gets the Job Done – No Matter What That Job Is!

Tally® is such a popular application for accounting and related management tools! It is hard to imagine it being more useful than it already is but Tally Mobile App makes this popular application even more useful and beneficial.

Tally on Mobile is accessible through iOS and Android devices and provides support in near real-time for managers, users and team members on the go. Users today find themselves performing tasks and getting work done in airports, hotels, client locations and on the road.

The Mobile App for Tally and the Tally dashboard are now available to make users more productive and help them make better decisions with Basic BI Tools and access to the information they need. Whether you are an account manager, an owner/manager of a small business or start-up or a finance or accounting professional accessing payables, receivables, or even a finance manager or sales manager looking at cash flows or budgets, there is no reason you have to work without all the information. Tally on mobile connects to the desktop Tally app and allows for access to Recent Transaction Review and Analysis. Users can share reports in PDF and XLS via WhasApp, email or other options and all ledgers and products are displayed. The access supports seamless search options and text searches throughout the app and full company data extraction is fast.

Tally Mobile App lets you fulfill your role and handle your responsibilities with ease of access and great performance.

Contact Us
today and let us help you discover how the Mobile App for Tally can help you.

Original Post: Tally Mobile App Supports All Users!

Tally Mobile App Provides Simple BI Tools!

Blog Tally

Tally Mobile App Provides Simple BI Tools!

Tally Mobile App with BI Tools is Just the Beginning!

Tally® Solution is a very popular accounting and finance-related application and that popularity, accessibility and value-add has been increased by the integration of BI tools into the Tally dashboard. This accessibility provides the foundation for a full and robust business intelligence tool that will benefit the organization in the future.

The Mobile App for Tally provides BI features like KPIs, trends and reports and summaries, thereby expanding the usefulness and flexibility of the tools for users who need to get the job done in a mobile environment.

As users become familiar with these basic tools and embrace the improved productivity and decision-making power, businesses will engender the curiosity and creativity that comes with more and better business intelligence and information. Ad hoc reporting and self-serve analytics are just the beginning and the integration of BI tools provided by ElegantJ BI and the rich and popular Tally Solution for accounting and finance-related activities is the perfect combination for starting the organization down the path toward meaningful business intelligence and access for business users.

Tally Mobile App connects your enterprise so users are always in touch. Contact Us today and let us help you discover how the Mobile App for Tally can help your users and your business.